Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Is Difference Between Judo And Newaza What Is The Difference Between Judo,kung Fu And Taikondo?

What is the difference between judo,kung fu and taikondo? - what is difference between judo and newaza

I will try to be as short as possible. I will respond in a way that impact on how this sport is generally shown.

Judo is a sport), based on the laity, with lever and not (strike, at least in games, but) with (the permit presentation.

Kung Fu is a martial art like judo, but a lifestyle in which learning fighting techniques is important because it represents hard work and discipline. It is in the Chinese tradition, the journey is more important than how you're away. There are different types of music depending on what you can emphasize the kicking style, the beats are common blocking techniques.

Taekwondo is an art that focuses on the fight against kicks thrown from a position of the mobile use of the lFor example, more range and performance (based) on the arm. Taekwondo is an art that some of the offensive, including the blocking techniques, drilling and open-handed strikes and may also fired several or scans, projections and locking techniques. The version we saw at the Olympics is the version of the fight

These three differ in their philosophy (Japanese, Chinese and Korean), it would take too long to write. Wikipedia is a good start to see what the precise differences between these three.


Bujinkan Ninja said...

What is the difference between medicine, water and applying the law? They are equipped with various martial arts many differences.

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