Friday, February 12, 2010

Tickling Blog Spot How Do I Go About Reporting This Crime? It's Sexual And Involves Minors...?

How do I go about reporting this crime? It's sexual and involves minors...? - tickling blog spot

This has been listening to me for a long time.

I have a 360-page one
Also tickled by women.

The problem is that
Top News to your blog
provides details
This is obvious abuse.

It may not be for him, sexual
but it is almost as sexual abuse.

He told how he came
Tickling as a child ...
but the problem is
which stories contain
One is when he
was a camp
he and his friends tied
Teens in the woods and tickle
for some time.

Well, maybe it is true
and maybe not.

He says he is.
And if so, is the sexual abuse.

I can not imagine how TraumatISED, which would have.

In any case, may, as I reporting
him to the authorities?
I am a different country
So I am not familiar with the procedure
when it comes to your country.

Any help would be very grateful.

This is the address of your page:

Read the news for the first time on her blog.


river_dr... said...

Tickling can or can not abuse too, it depends on whether the participants are ready, as it is done and the conditions under which it is produced.

If, for example, a person sufficiently tickled to have difficulty breathing, is the abuse.

It is possible that the person who prepares an offender and use tickling as a form of "grooming" is a child, him over for sex.

However, it is also possible that this person (just in BDSM Bondage, domination, submission and Machocism) to regulate situations in which all adults (she) is ready, it is not unreasonable (though), controversial in some circles.

If your instinct tells you it's offensive, it is advisable to inform the local authorities. I could not find themAble to place so we go to the link in my sources, and follow the instructions on the notification from Yahoo. You have more information as well as where you live and local authorities.

Dog Lover said...

First .... This is a blog ... This is not something that happens. And what happens, as it seems that these people have a foot fetish and tickling, when between consenting adults ... Not a crime!

Have you read a few blogs of your contacts? Women? In all of these things ... The pain and torture .....

You need to read other things to be found. Just because you do not, no crime.

Andrew Noselli said...

You have done your country a great service ....

Hi said...

Call local authorities and say what I have written here. It would follow them, too.

thechief... said...

Tell the police. Give them to transfer the Websight be in a position to provide information to the authorities.

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