Saturday, January 9, 2010

First Birthday Ideas What Are Some Good First Birthday Ideas?

What are some good first birthday ideas? - first birthday ideas

My son again next month and I am good on the lookout for ideas for the birthday celebration. What kind of toy is good for him?


Ashley D said...

We just had a lot of family in our house for the first anniversary of our daughter, because she a bit young to be friends. We have been in the afternoon, after his usual afternoon nap, and it would be a good mood! Snack-type sandwich, and had a theme of pink and orange spots (which is not really "into" something definite at this time, and I felt super sweet polka dot decorations that worked perfectly!). Balloons are a must - I think love all the children! Although some scattered on the floor to share our daughter with the addition of helium balloons to decorate with.
Most of all just talk and eat - my husband a DVD of the first year of our daughter with music, (which on television is not something we wanted people to sit and watch has been played but has a wonderful background and great entertainment!). We've created a special chair to sit in our room for our daughter to open the gifts (which she did by herself with only a little help from his older cousin!).
After opening gifts, she was the cake (which was actually a tower of cupcakes, so she had) their own little cake. They all sang and took pictures, then we will be serving ice cream and cakes to customers, and everyone went home!
It was really very nice, and although I am all for eating and decorating myself, it was stressful! Sam's Club for a large number of entries, and get our burgers and small clay pots for the Smokies. Including paper plates and plastic utensils clean wind power!

Ashley D said...

We just had a lot of family in our house for the first anniversary of our daughter, because she a bit young to be friends. We have been in the afternoon, after his usual afternoon nap, and it would be a good mood! Snack-type sandwich, and had a theme of pink and orange spots (which is not really "into" something definite at this time, and I felt super sweet polka dot decorations that worked perfectly!). Balloons are a must - I think love all the children! Although some scattered on the floor to share our daughter with the addition of helium balloons to decorate with.
Most of all just talk and eat - my husband a DVD of the first year of our daughter with music, (which on television is not something we wanted people to sit and watch has been played but has a wonderful background and great entertainment!). We've created a special chair to sit in our room for our daughter to open the gifts (which she did by herself with only a little help from his older cousin!).
After opening gifts, she was the cake (which was actually a tower of cupcakes, so she had) their own little cake. They all sang and took pictures, then we will be serving ice cream and cakes to customers, and everyone went home!
It was really very nice, and although I am all for eating and decorating myself, it was stressful! Sam's Club for a large number of entries, and get our burgers and small clay pots for the Smokies. Including paper plates and plastic utensils clean wind power!

Jessica said...

I always try to make it educational toys to the extent that some children can go to a specific place, a restaurant and they even fit you a little around is 1 years wants to eat cake and ice cream and play with other children

mum of 2 beautiful kids..xx said...

I do not want much more than 1 years old.I did not have a big party with all your friends and would family.i interested.i past Fortune.she not just a small party with some close friends, lots of balloons and gifts

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